



  • Game/Art

    BEIL, Ralf, EHMANN, Antje (Ed.), Serious Games. War / Media / Art, Berlin, Hatje Cantz, 2011.
    CATLOW, Ruth, GARRETT, Marc, MORGANA, Corrado (Ed.), Artists Re:thinking Games, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2010.
    DENNY, Simon (Ed.), Art / Cryptocurrency. Proof of Work, Berlin, Schinkel Pavillon, 2018.
    GETSY, David J. (Ed.), From Diversion to Subversion. Games, Play, and Twentieth-Century Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2011.
    HIMMELSBACH, Sabine (Ed.), Playback – Simulated Realities, Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg, Heidelberg, Kehrer Verlag, 2007.
    HIMMELSBACH, Sabine, MAGRINI, Boris (Ed.), Radical Gaming. Immersion, Simulation, Subversion, Haus der Elektronischen Künste, Basel, Christoph Merian Verlag, 2021.
    KRAUSS, Rosalind, « On ne joue plus (Giacometti) » in L’originalité de l’avant-garde et autres mythes modernistes, Paris, Macula, 1993 [1984].
    LAXTON, Susan, Surrealism at Play, London, Duke University Press, 2019.
    LEE, Pamela M., New Games. Postmodernism after contemporary Art, London, Routledge, 2013.
    MARIA GREWENIG, Meinrad, LETZE, Otto (Ed.), GameArt, Berlin, Hatje Cantz, 2003.
    MESCH, Claudia, « Cold War Games and Postwar Art » in Reconstruction, vol. 6, n° 1, Winter 2006.
    OBRIST, Hans Ulrich (Ed.), Worldbuilding. Gaming And Art In The Digital Age, Düsseldorf, Julia Stoschek Collection, 2023.
    ANTONELLI, Paola, BURCKHARDT, Anna, GALLOWAY Paul (Ed.), Never Alone: Video Games as Interactive Design, New York, MoMA, 2022.
    SHARP John, Works of Game: On the Aesthetics of Games and Art, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2015.
    STEYERL, Hito, « Tank on a Pedestal: Museum in an Age of Planetary Civil War » in e-flux journal, n. 70, february 2016.
    STOTT, Timothy, Play and Participation in Contemporary Arts Practices, London, Routledge, 2014.

  • Game studies/Philosophy

    AXELOS, Kostas, Le Jeu du monde, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1969.
    ABT, Clark C., Serious Games, New York, The Viking Press, 1970.
    BERGLER, Edmund, The Psychology of Gambling, New York, Hill and Wang, 1957.
    BERNE, Eric, Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships, New York, Grove Press, 1964
    BURNETT, Graham D. (Ed.), « Games » in Cabinet, issue 45, Spring 2012.
    CAILLOIS, Roger, Les jeux et les hommes (Le masque et le vertige), Paris, Gallimard, 1958.
    CARSE, James P., Finite and Infinite Games. A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility, New York, Ballantine Books, 1986.
    COTTA, Alain, La Société ludique, Paris, Grasset, 1980.
    DEBORD, Guy, « Contribution à une définition situationniste du jeu » in Internationale Situationniste, n°1, juin, 1958.
    ENZENSBERGER, Hans Magnus, Jeu de construction pour une théorie des médias – suivi de Usages d’une théorie marxiste des médias, Dijon, Les presses du réel, 2021 [1970].
    EHRMANN, Jacques, « JEU - Jeu et rationalité » in Encyclopædia Universalis
    FINKEL, Irving (Ed.), Ancient Board Games, London, British Museum Press, 1996.
    FLUSSER, Vilém, « Spiele » in RÖTZER, Florian, Ist das Leben ein Spiel? Aspekte einer Philosophie des Spiels und eines Denkens ohne Fundamente, Köln, Walther König, 2013.
    FUCHS, Mathias, STROUHAL, Ernst (Ed.), Das Spiel und seine Grenzen, Wien, Springer, 2010.
    GEERTZ, Clifford, « Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight » in Daedalus, vol. 134, n°4, 2005 [1972], p. 56-86.
    Glass Bead (Ed.) [GIRAUD, Fabien, LECOMTE, Jeremy, NORMAND, Vincent, SOULARD, Ida, WILKINS, Inigo], « Site 0. Castalia: the Game of Ends and Means » in Glass Bead, 2016 [https://www.glass-bead.org/journal/site-0-castalia-the-game-of-ends-and-means/?lang=enview]
    HUIZINGA, Johan, Homo ludens. Versuch einer Bestimmung des Spielelementes der Kultur, Basel, Akademische Verlagsanstalt Pantheon, 1938.
    JAHRMANN, Margarete, Ludics for a Ludic Society. The Art and Politics of Play, PhD Thesis, University of Plymouth, 2011.
    KÜCHLER, Tilman, Postmodern Gaming: Heidegger, Duchamp, Derrida, New York, Peter Land, 1994.
    LEFEBVRE, Henri, Foundations for a Sociology of the Everyday. Volume II. Critique of Everyday Life, New York, Verso, 2002 [1961].
    LHÔTE, Jean-Marie, Le Symbolisme des jeux, Paris, Berg-Bélibaste, 1976.
    LONGO, Anna, Le jeu de l’induction. Automatisation de la connaissance et réflexion philosophique, Paris, Éditions Mimésis, 2022.
    LYOTARD, Jean-François, THEBAUD, Jean-Loup, Just Gaming, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1985 [1975].
    MCGONIGAL, Jane, This Might Be a Game: Ubiquitous Play and Performance at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century, Berkley, Berkley University, 2006.
    MACKAY, Robin (Ed.), « Casino Real » in Collapse VIII, Falmouth, Urbanomic, 2014.
    NORTON, Richard, « What is Virtuality ? » in Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, vol. 30, n° 4, 1972, p. 499-505.
    MASSUMI, Parables for the Virtual: Movement, Affect, Sensation, Durham, Duke University Press, 2002.
    MCLUHAN, Marshall, « Games: Extensions of Man » in Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2000 [1964].
    PIAGET, Jean, La formation du symbole chez l’enfant : imitation, jeu et rêve, image et représentation, Neuchâtel / Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé, 1945.
    SHUBIK, Martin, Games for Society, Business, and War: Towards a Theory of Gaming, New York / Oxford / Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1975.
    SICART, Miguel, Play Matters, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2014.
    SPANOS, Apostolos, Games of History. Games and Gaming as Historical Sources, London, Routledge, 2021.
    SPARIOSU, Mihai, Dionysus Reborn: Play and the Aesthetic Dimension in Modern Philosophical and Scientific Discourse, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1989.
    STROHAL, Ernst (Ed.), Agon und Ares. Der Krieg und die Spiele, Frankfurt, Campus Verlag, 2016.
    SUTTON-SMITH, Brian, The Ambiguity of Play, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1997.
    TÖNNESMANN, Andreas, Monopoly. Das Spiel, die Stadt und das Glück, Berlin, Wagenbach, 2011.
    TURNER, Victor, From Ritual to Theatre: The Human Seriousness of Play, New York, PAJ Publications, 1982.
    WINNICOTT, Donald W., Playing and Reality, New York, Routledge, 1971.

  • Game Theory

    ANDERSSON, Jenny, The Future of the World futurology, Futurists, and the Struggle for the Post-Cold War Imagination, New York, Oxford University Press, 2018.
    AUMANN, Robert J., Lectures on game theory, Boulder, Westview Press, 1989.
    BHATTACHARYA, Ananyo, The Man from the Future: The Visionary Life of John von Neumann, New York, W. W. Norton & Company, 2022.
    BINMORE, Kenneth, Playing for Real. A Text on Game Theory, New York, Oxford University Press, 2007.
    CARPENTER, Jeffrey and ROBBETT, Andrea, Game Theory and Behavior, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2022.
    CONWAY, John Horton, On Numbers and Games, London, Academic Press, 1976.
    CROGAN, Patrick, Gameplay Mode. War, Simulation, and Technoculture, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2011.
    ERICKSON, Paul, KLEIN, Judy L., DASTON, Lorraine, LEMOV, Rebecca, STURM, Thomas, GORDIN, Michael D., How Reason Almost Lost Its Mind. The Strange Career of Cold War Rationality, The University of Chicago Press, 2013.
    ERICKSON, Paul, The World the Game Theorists Made, Chicago, Chicago University Press, 2015.
    GALLIMORE, Andrew R., Alien Information Theory. Psychedelic Drug Technologies and the Cosmic Game, London, Strange Worlds Press, 2019.
    HARGREAVES-HEAP, Shaun P., VAROUFAKIS, Yanis, Game Theory. A critical text, London, Routledge, 2004.
    HOFFMAN, Moshe, YOELI, Erez, Hidden Games. The Surprising Power of Game Theory to Explain Irrational Human Behavior, New York, Basic Books, 2022.
    KREPS, David M., Game Theory and Economic Modelling, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990.
    LEONARD, Robert, Von Neumann, Morgenstern and the Creation of Game Theory, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
    LUCE, Duncan R., RAIFFA, Howard, Games and decisions. Introduction and Critical Survey, New York, Wiley, 1957.
    MAYNARD SMITH, John, Evolution and the Theory of Games, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1982.
    MYERSON, Roger, Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1991.
    NASH, John, « Non-Cooperative Games » in Annals of Mathematics, vol. 54, no. 2, 1951, p. 286–295.
    NEUMANN, John von, MORGENSTERN, Oskar, Game Theory and Economic Behavior, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1944.
    RAPOPORT, Anatol, Fights, Games and Debates, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 1960.
    WEINTRAUB, E. Roy (Ed.), Toward a History of Game Theory, Durham, Duke University Press, 1992.

  • Wargames/World Games

    BARBROOK, Richard, Class Wargames: Ludic Subversion Against Spectacular Capitalism, New York, Minor Compositions, 2014.
    BRAND, Stewart, « Theory of Game Change » in FLUEGLEMAN, Andrew (Ed.), The New Games Book, San Francisco, New Games Foundation, 1976
    BECKER-HO, Alice, DEBORD, Guy, Le Jeu de la Guerre, Paris, Éditions Gérard Lebovici, 1987.
    GUY, Emmanuel, Le Jeu de la guerre de Guy Debord : l’émancipation comme projet, Paris, B42, 2020.
    OSTROM, Elinor, GARDNER, Roy, WALKER, Jimmy (Ed.), Rules, Games, and Common-Pool Resources, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 1994.
    PEARCE, Celia, FULLERTON, Tracy, FRON Janine, and FORD MORIE, Jacquelyn, « Sustainable play: Towards a new games movement for the digital age » in Games and Culture, n°2, vol. 3, 2007, p. 261–278.
    SADLER, Simon, « Theo Crosby’s Environment Games, 1956-1973 » in CHAN, Carson, PELKONEN, Eeva-Liisa, TASMAN, David Andrew(Ed.), Exhibiting Architecture. A Paradox ?, New Haven, Yale School of Architecture, 2015.
    STOTT, Timothy, Buckminster Fuller’s World Game and Its Legacy, New York, Routledge, 2022.
    TSING, Anna, POLLMAN, Elizabeth, « Global Futures: The Game » in ROSENBERG, Daniel, HARDING, Susan (Ed.), Histories of the Future, Durham, Duke University Press, 2005, p. 107-122.
    Pendergrass, Drew, Vettese, Troy, Half-Earth Socialism:A Plan to Save the Future from Extinction, Climate Change and Pandemics, London, Verso, 2022.
    WASIUTA, Mark, Information Fall-Out. Buckminster Fuller’s World Game, Baden, Lars Müller Publishers, 2019.

  • Gamification/Ludocapitalism/Playbour

    DIBBELL, Julian, Play Money: Or, How I Quit My Day Job and Made Millions Trading Virtual Loot, New York, Basic Books, 2007.
    FIZEK, Sonia, FUCHS, Mathias, RUFFINO, Paolo, SCHRAPE, Niklas (Ed.), Rethinking Gamification, Lüneburg, Meson Press, 2014.
    FOUILLET, Aurélien, Playtime. Comment le jeu transforme le monde, Paris, Les Pérégrines, 2022.
    FRISSEN, Valerie (Ed.), Playful identities. The ludification of digital media cultures, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2015.
    HON, Adrian, You’ve Been Played. How Corporations, Governments, and Schools Use Games to Control Us All, New York, Basic Books, 2022.
    NELSON, Mark J., « Soviet and American precursors to the gamification of work » in MindTrek ‘12 Proceeding of the 16th International Academic MindTrek Conference, New York, ACM Press, 2012.
    STRANGE, Susan, Casino Capitalism, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1986.
    WADE, Alex, The Pac-Man Principle. A User’s Guide to Capitalism, New York, Zer0 Books, 2013.
    WALZ, Steffen P., DETERDING, Sebastian (Ed.), The Gameful World: Approaches, Issues, Applications, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2014.
    WARK, McKenzie, A Hacker Manifesto, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 2004.
    WATSON, Michael Robert, Can the Left Learn to Meme? Adorno, Video Gaming, and Stranger Things, New York, Zer0 Books, 2019.
    WOODCOCK, Jamie, Marx at the Arcade. Consoles, Controllers, and Class Struggle, Chicago, Haymarket Books, 2019

  • Video Game Studies/Digital Cultures

    BATEMAN, Chris, Imaginary Games, New York, Zer0 Books, 2011.
    BAUMGÄRTEL, Tilman (Ed.), Games. Computerspiele von KünstlerInnen, Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main, Revolver, 2003.
    BARICCO, Alessandro, The Game, Paris, Gallimard, 2019.
    BOGOST, Ian, Persuasive Games. The Expressive Power of Videogames, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2007.
    BOLUK, Stephanie, LEMIEUX, Patrick, Metagaming: Playing, Competing, Spectating, Cheating, Trading, Making, and Breaking Videogames, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2017.
    CHANG, Alenda Y., Playing Nature. Ecology in Video Games, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2019.
    COSTIKYAN, Greg, Uncertainty in Games, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2013.
    DYER-WITHEFORD, Nick, DE PEUTER, Greig, Games of Empire. Global Capitalism and Video Games, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
    FLANAGAN, Mary, Critical Play. Radical Game Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2009.
    GALLOWAY, Alexander, Gaming. Essays on Algorithmic Culture, Minneapolis, London, University of Minnesota Press, 2007.
    GALLOWAY, Alexander, Uncomputable: Play and Politics In the Long Digital Age, London, Verso, 2021.
    GOLDBERG, Harold, All Your Base Are Belong To Us. All Your Base Are Belong to Us: How Fifty Years of Videogames Conquered Pop Culture, New York, Three Rivers Press, 2011.
    HALTER, Ed, From Sun Tzu to Xbox: War and Videogames, New York, Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2006.
    IACOVONI, Alberto, Game Zone: Playgrounds between Virtual Scenarios and Reality, Basel, Birkhäuser, 2004.
    JUUL, Jesper, Half-Real. Video Games between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2004.
    LOWOOD, Henry, GUINS, Raiford (Ed.), Debugging Game History. A Critical Lexicon, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2016.
    MUKHERJEE, Souvik, Videogames and Postcolonialism. Empire Plays Back, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
    SALEN, Katie, ZIMMERMAN, Eric, Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2004.
    SANTORINEOS, Manthos (Ed.), Gaming Realities: A Challenge for Digital Culture, Athens, Foumos, 2006.
    TAYLOR, Laurie N., WHALEN, Zach, Playing the Past: History and Nostalgia in Video Games, Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 2008.
    WARK, McKenzie, Gamer Theory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 2007. [www.futureofthebook.org/gamertheory2.0/]
    WATSON, Michael Robert, Can the Left Learn to Meme? Adorno, Video Gaming, and Stranger Things, New York, Zer0 Books, 2019.

  • Lore/Role Plays

    BASAR, Shumon, « Welcome to Lorecore » in Zora Zine, 16 December 2022. [https://zine.zora.co/the-laws-of-lorecore-shumon-basar]
    CITARELLA, Joshua, Lincoln, Lore of Linkonia, 2022. [https://joshua-citarella.myshopify.com/products/lore-of-linkonia?variant=41820272394417]
    RITGER, Jak, « “Because Physical Wounds Heal” » in Punctr.Art, 2023. [https://www.punctr.art/because-physical-wounds-heal/]
    STEYERL, Hito, « Talk: Why Games? Can People in the Art World Think? », LOOP Barcelona, YouTube, 2020.
    THOMPSON, Clive, « QAnon Is Like a Game—A Most Dangerous Game » in Wired, 22 September 2020. [https://www.wired.com/story/qanon-most-dangerous-multiplatform-game/]

  • General

    AVELINE, Claude, Le Code des jeux, Paris, Hachette, 1961.
    BELL, Robert Charles, Board and Table Games from many Civilizations, New York City, Exeter Books, 1983.
    GRUNFELD, Frédéric V. (Ed.), Jeux du monde – leur histoire – comment les construire - comment y jouer, Genève, Lied / Unicef, 1979.
    MURRAY, Harold, A History of Board Games other than Chess, London, Oxford University Press, 1952.

  • Fictions

    STRUGATSKY, Arkady and Boris, The Time Wanderers, 1985.
    BANKS, Iain, The Player of Games, 1988.
    DOCTOROW, Cory, For the Win: A Novel, 2010.
    HESSE, Hermann, The Glass Bead Game, 1943.
    NORTH, Claire, The Gameshouse, 2015.
    VONNEGUT, Kurt, Cat’s Cradle, 1963.

  • Glossaire


